There is a marked rise in the popularity of penis enlargement devices these days. More and more men are becoming aware of the benefits of penis enhancement products such as penis enlargement pumps and penis extenders.
There are many reasons for this rise in the popularity of male enhancement devices. The obvious one is to increase the size of their penis, but what many people do not know is that these devices can also help you with erectile dysfunction and flaccidity.
Until recent years, surgery was the only known method of increasing penis size. Not a lot can be said for the effectiveness of this method. The risks one has to take while going under the knife, such as infections, scarring, surgery failure, loss of sensitivity and function, and worsened erectile dysfunction, make you think twice about this option.
Now safer and much more effective options are available such as penis pumps and penis extenders. People often get confused about which one to go for, so we have put together a list of all things good and bad about them to help you decide which one is best for you.
All About Penis Extenders
Penis extenders claim to do exactly what they say – to extend the size of your penis. How do penis extenders work? They use traction to stretch the penis. The idea is to do this regularly to achieve permanent growth with time by sustaining pressure. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this theory.
While traction techniques may work when it comes to healing broken bones, there is no guarantee that it works on extending the penis.
Pros of Penis Extenders
Cons of Penis Extenders
Penis Pumps Save the Day
A penis pump is a safe and pleasurable way of getting an erection. While some people use penis pumps to get an erection, some use them to reverse the effects of erectile dysfunction.
A penis pump works by placing your penis inside the cylindrical cavity and applying gentle pressure to pump out the air creating a vacuum. This mechanism causes an erection and arouses the penis to new levels of sensitivity, pleasure, and temporary enlargement. Once you have achieved an erection, you will need a cock ring to hold it in place.
Pros of Penis Pumps
Cons of Penis Pumps
So, in a face-off between penis pumps and penis extenders, which one would win? Penis pumps, hands down. With the advancement in technology, penis pumps offer far more benefits and minimal risks compared to other penis enlargement options.